all postcodes in S63 / MEXBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
S63 0AN42053.548068-1.308508
S63 0AW14053.548612-1.310721
S63 0BA261553.544923-1.294648
S63 0BG3153.552053-1.324729
S63 0BH8553.543244-1.301237
S63 0BJ4453.543702-1.295058
S63 0BL451253.543406-1.30412
S63 0BQ1053.544065-1.336431
S63 0BS30053.543718-1.303825
S63 0BX5153.54431-1.306834
S63 0BZ11153.544107-1.304347
S63 0DA14153.543917-1.302599
S63 0DB1153.5438-1.301062
S63 0DD24053.550687-1.301266
S63 0DE17153.543492-1.297596
S63 0DF64053.544674-1.296777
S63 0DG4053.544387-1.301342
S63 0DH10053.545936-1.300378
S63 0DJ6053.545132-1.301251
S63 0DL20053.545816-1.301376